

Gauguin is a project with five objectives: To automate EDA To create a python based AutoEDA tool similar to the many AutoML frameworks where a user uploads some data selects a target of interest and the tool creates thousands of visualizations giving insight into the...


Alfalfa.AI -Blockchain for Cannabis Cannabis can change the lives of the rural poor In Colorado, an acre of marijuana can yield more than $1.1 million. Widely grown crops in the U.S., including corn, soybeans, oats and wheat, all yield less than $1,000 per harvested... – AI Assisted Data Visualization – AI Assisted Data Visualization

GOGH.AI – Question-centric visualization Rather than ask a user which graph they would like, asks a user what question they would like to ask. THE USER NEEDS TO PICK THE APPROPRIATE GRAPH The user asks a Who, What, When Where, or Why question, and...

Klee is visual programming for AI Visual programming is a programming language that lets process describe processes using illustration. One can just create a graph from a library of existing nodes. New nodes require programming in a language like C++ or python but...
Cognitive Type

Cognitive Type

Mapping Typography to Cognition – The Cognitive Type Project is about creating computational tools which will allow the design of beautiful typefaces which have different cognitive properties. This will allow typographers to design type for such things as better...